Saturday, March 24, 2018

From Lessons in Laguna to Adventures in Arizona

A few of my friends have been asking me when I was going to start blogging again. After moving and ending my previous blog Lessons from Laguna December , earlier this year I was considering what direction to take with a new blog and what the focus would be - something more than me just rambling on.  Some ideas were coming through, but needed to have a focus and I wasn't coming up with anything that would compel me to write, and, who would want to take the time to read it??

After a start to my year that was not at all what I expected and way more challenging than I had imagined, blogging was set aside and I hadn't really thought about it. But, after comments from my friends nudging me to start writing again, a couple of ideas have been floating around in the back of my mind. Then this morning I wake up and my brain starts writing even though I still am not sure of what my message, here goes....

Change: the act or instance of making or becoming different. An alteration or modification. A new or refreshingly different experience.

Transformation: a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance, the act or process of changing completely.

Metamorphosis: a change of the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely different one, by natural or supernatural means. A process of profound and radical change, implies a basic change of character and little or no resemblance with the past configuration or structure.

I think we all want to make changes, and some of us want to transform, but let me just say, metamorphosis is not something for the fainthearted.....

Who just up and leaves their job, their family and friends, and the place they have lived their whole life? Someone who is brave? Or someone who is insane? Trust me, during this experience I have asked myself that a lot.

A  few years ago, I started making changes that led to being strong enough to leave a long relationship that needed to end and to start over. During my time in Laguna I went through a transformation that led me to start expressing who I truly am and to look at my future in a different way. Sooooo, now we hit the metamorphosis stage - leave everything behind and start over at a whole new level. 

Really? Are you sure about that???

Yes! Wait, no.  Um, yes.  Oh good grief, who knows - all I know is that I took another leap of faith, and when you do that you encounter situations that will test you and your faith.  

We are here to grow and evolve AND HAVE FUN. I had lost the focus on fun for a little while, however, I have had my spiritual butt kicked, and, with the help of my friends, I am getting back on track.

I'll do my best to share my growing, evolving experiences here in Arizona, and how I'm finding the fun amidst the challenges. If you want to grow and evolve, you are going to have curve balls, sharp left turns and the slamming on of brakes. Grow and evolve anyway.  

We'll see how this blog (and my adventures) develop, and hopefully you will enjoy joining me on my journey from the comfort of your own home.

Have a great day!


New path to new adventures...