It was the introductory class for a year long series of classes, and I found it inspiring. He told his story, and it speaks to how you can take a set of horrible circumstances, turn them around, and live an incredible life in spite of what the world might tell you, AND in spite of those little voices in your head telling you that "you can't" or "you're not qualified" or "you're not worthy." So what does that have to do with photography? Everything. He lives an authentic life, and that is what comes through in his work.
Part of the message yesterday was to take a different perspective, to see things that others don't see. To see light in a different way, to use it and play with it. To capture moments because they change so quickly.
Sooooo, then what happens last night? I get some spectacular examples of light when an unexpected storm rolls through....
One of the suggestions from the class was to take something completely ordinary, something you probably look right at every day without really seeing it, and take a photo and show the beauty of the object. So, what do I see this morning staring back at me? My teapot. My pretty teal teapot, shining at me and showing its beautiful reflection in the stove top...
The cat sitting on my lap....
Got up too late to go hiking this morning, and besides, with the weather the way it is, I wouldn't want to be out on a trail when one of these rolls in...
But I needed to get out of the apartment, so I decided to take a 20 minute walk down a nearby street. Uh huh. 45 minutes later, a hot, sweaty, very thirsty me came back to my nice air conditioned apartment. On my short walk, everywhere I looked, I saw something that caught my eye, so of course, my trusty phone and I went to work....need to go back another time (when it's not so frickin hot) with my actual are just a few of the, oh I don't know, 50 shots I took:
A splash of red catches my eye - a shy Cardinal that flew away when I tried to get closer (yup, next time I need my camera)
Then a splash of pink catches my eye - there is a long, boring wall around the neighborhood, however this flower wanted to be seen
Then the beautiful Palo Verde - don't ya love the way the branches just seem to be curving and dancing to their own tune?
Then I see something sparkly and think what the heck? Get closer and see that the light is shining on the old dried sap and it was sparkling like diamonds
Always love sunlight through the trees....
My connection is with nature - it is part of my being, and I love sharing my perspective through the camera lens. This is another "self portrait" taken a few weeks ago - me communicating with a tree....
What do you see around you? What would you like to capture? Again, it all changes so quickly.....