Just got home from another segment of my latest adventure. One that I never thought I would be participating in, let alone actually enjoy. I sit here a tired, hot, sweaty mess, feeling really good, you know like after a hike - but no, I did not go on a hike after work.
Let's back up a little. This month I have been looking at the balance in my life. I have a fairly good balance of work/play, however there is a lot of screen time most days even when I am not at work. And when I really took a look at the balance of my focus between mind, body & spirit, body keeps coming in a distant third. My rationalization: I take a hike most weekends (when it's not a billion degrees outside) and my diet is pretty good, and I usually get enough sleep... Then I had to ask myself: do I really honor and appreciate the body that I have been given? Had to answer that with a big fat "no."
I also had to ask myself - where to I want to be in 20 years? As I am getting, ahem, more mature (in age, not in playfulness, mind you), I really sat with the question and thought more about how my choices are affecting my future.
So in sitting with these questions, I started looking at various options, none of which really appealed to me. I then stumbled across an ad for a local boot camp style studio - and it showed real people in the ad, not people that are already fit and don't really need a boot camp. I read about the owner, and was curious. They had a special for 21 days for $21. Why am I drawn to this?? I have no idea, but it felt like it was something to try. What the heck. It's $21 - if I hate it, no big deal.
I don't hate it. I am having FUN.
If anyone had told me I would like spending 30 minutes slamming ropes into the floor, using weights/medicine balls while doing squats, or holding all sorts of torturous positions while using a resistance strap, I would have laughed at them and told them they were crazy. Apparently I am the one who is crazy.
The owner of the gym creates a fun, encouraging setting. He wants everyone to succeed. It is unique to him, and I probably would not like going to a different studio, as he sets a great tone and atmosphere for every class.
My body had been sending me messages that it wanted some attention. I had no idea how neglected it was. The only way to explain it is that I come out of these sessions feeling empowered. Can I do all of the exercises at peak speed & form? Oh hell no. But, I am learning, and after only 2 weeks, my body is already showing me signs that it is happier.
There will not be weekly updates and photos of my progress. There will be no additional blog focusing on my new exercise regime. This is a personal effort, and I am doing it just for me. I'm not sure for how long, but I will do it as long as I am having fun. When it's no longer fun, I will find something else that is new.
Am I now going to get on my soap box and tell everyone to get to boot camp? NO. My message is to take a good look at where you are, and if you need to make changes, try something completely different. Think way outside the box. You may hate it, BUT what if you find you like something totally new? How much fun is that?
Here are some of the
Of course the instructor puts out the heavier weights,
and I'm over here looking for the 5 pounders...
When slamming ropes into the floor, I find it helpful
to cuss with enthusiasm in my mind. My concern is that one day
I will forget and cuss with enthusiasm out loud....
Who knew there were so many ways to use every arm muscle possible
with these deceptively simple looking hanging things....
Have a great day everyone!!