Sunday, May 20, 2018

Listening to a 5-year-old.....

So would you take advice from a 5-year-old?  You might want to consider it. I was doing some energy work with my friend Lynn yesterday, and she suggested I ask my 5-year-old self:  What would you like to do today? Hmmmm....

Been pretty caught up in learning my new job (which after being at my old job for 12 years, it's been an interesting experience getting my brain to fire up and learn a lot of new stuff) and in continuing to build my new life here in Arizona.

How often do we relax and just have fun for the heck of it? I've been discovering things here that I enjoy, and yet, I still default back into practicality and needing a reason to do something, you know, it has to make sense.  

The other day outside of the grocery story, I saw a woman around my age come out of the store with a full basket, and when she got to the asphalt, she pushed the cart really fast, jumped on the back and rode it all the way to her car. It looked like so much fun, and I was jealous of her.

So yesterday afternoon, I ask my 5-year-old self:  "What would you like to do?"

The answer I get is:  "Let's go swing!!!"

WTF?? Swing? Like on a swingset??  "Yes!!" Um, sure. Do they even have swingsets around here?? And it's the afternoon - we'd get 3rd degree burns from a sitting on a swing and grabbing the chains. "But it would be so much fun!!"  Well, I do have to admit, yes, it would be fun. So I get out my phone and look up parks with swings - and, wouldn't you know, there is a park about a half mile from my apartment with swings. OK. But it's still too hot. "When can we go??" Well, if we go tomorrow early enough in the day.....

What else do you want to do? "Let's get ice cream!!" So my adult self starts thinking about maybe getting a hot fudge sundae....mmmmm...  But, my 5-year-old self would have had a nickle cone from Thrifty's (yes, it cost a nickel, ten cents for a double scoop). to the store we go.  

While in the store "Oh! Can we get crayons and a color book, too???"  Seriously?? "Yes!!" Um, OK - off to the appropriate aisle...."Oh! They have bubbles too!!!"

Do you know how much fun I had yesterday evening coloring, blowing bubbles off of my patio, and eating an ice cream cone???  

Then this morning, I roll out of bed, put on my "play clothes" (remember when you had play clothes?), and head over to the park. "YAY!!!" Do you know how much fun I had swinging? I think I actually giggled. Fortunately there wasn't anyone else in the park until I was ready to leave and a van that was full of kids pulled up.

I thanked my 5-year-old self for reminding how much fun it was to have fun! 

Then I decided I'd head over to my favorite hiking place to walk my trail before it got too hot. Instead of a focused hike, it ended up being a meandering walk seeing things that sometimes I would have walked past, and instead looked at things as if I were showing a 5-year-old the wonders of the trail and the surrounding nature. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

We tend to take everything so seriously. Yes, serious things happen, but most of what we fret about doesn't need to be such a concern.

Go have some fun today, tomorrow, the next day....just for the fun of it!!! Make it simple and easy. Find something that makes you giggle! I highly recommend it.


  1. Sometimes it's the little things that bring the most Joy. Man I miss swinging!

  2. Excellent thing to remember! So relaxing to be a kid once in a while.
