Along with the word came an assignment - research the definition and true meaning and then share it with the others:
Word Root of incredible:
The Latin word credere, meaning “to believe,” gives us the root cred. Words from the Latin credere have something to do with believing someone or something. Something credible is easy to believe, while something incredible is so out of the ordinary that it is difficult to believe. Giving credit to something someone says is believing that it is true.
Definition of incredible
1: too improbable to be believed
fantastic, implausible, inconceivable, incredulous, unbelievable, inconceivable, unconvincing, unimaginable, unthinkable
After finding out the true meaning of the word, I had to rethink how it applied to me. Light bulbs went on as I looked at some of the things I have done over the past couple of years that, yes, even I don't believe I have done them. If someone told me three years ago that I would be living where I am now, doing what I am doing, I would have told them they were insane.
Has the path to my new life been easy? Bwahahaha! No. Goes something like this:
I'm going to make big changes! Yay!
Shit, making changes is hard, I think I'll make some little ones.
Little ones added up make big ones, right?
Moving along my path - Yay!
Crap, which way do I go now? Left? Right? Straight? Go back? I think I'll take a nap.
Ok, back on track.....
What's that over there? Crap, I'm in the rocks and weeds.
Think I'll invite myself to a massive pity party.
Wait - this isn't any fun either. Damn, guess I'll pull myself out of it again.
Yay! Moving right along and loving it!!!
Squirrel!!! What's that over there? Shit - I'm doing it again!
Loving it, challenging but loving it, challenging but feeling challenged, challenging and hating it....hating it, but seeing light at the end of the tunnel..
Woohoo! Out of the tunnel! Love this!
Keep moving forward!
Ouch! Where did that big rock in the middle of my path come from??
Maybe I need a different path.
Eeewww - this one is worse. OK, back up and start over.
Fun! This is fun!
OK, not so much fun....
Refill the tanks, hit the gas
Yay! Back to fun!
And it just keeps going......fortunately while there have been MANY lessons, they are just that, lessons. We are all doing a similar dance, and we all need to just hang in there, find the lesson, find something to laugh about, and move on.
My new goal is not just to share my word, but to help others recognize my word in themselves.
ALL of us are doing incredible things, and we need to recognize them instead of discounting them.
Incredible = Unbelievable
This month I am focusing on my beliefs - which ones serve me, and which ones I need to change / let go of / replace. It is a fascinating process as the old, crappy beliefs start bubbling up to the surface to challenge me. "But we are old friends! I'm a belief you've had for years! Surely you don't want to get rid of me??" Yes, yes I do, and I'm ready to replace you with something new.
Question: Which beliefs do we need to change to create our truly incredible lives?
Let's get started! Nice wide trail, beautiful day... |
Crap! Where did all the rocks come from?? |
Whew, smoother trail with a little shade... |
Don't mind me - just a squirrel relaxing on a branch.... |
Great! Another smooth trail! Wait, are those rain clouds?? |
Have a fantastic, fun, incredible day!
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