Thursday, September 20, 2018

Turn and face the strange ch-ch-ch-changes.....

Thank you Mr. Bowie....

So if you follow my Instagram account (arizona_lynette) you know I mostly post photos of my desert and my desert animal friends (used to be the ocean when I was laguna_lynette), and lots of sunrises, sunsets....and lots of clouds. 

Last night I was driving home, see an inspiring sunset forming, and practically run off the road (why am I always driving when I need to take a picture??), so I decide that it would be a good idea to pull over and THEN take a picture. Duh. Got the shot I wanted (well, actually took about 20), then got back on the road. I'm sure the drivers around me appreciated my getting out of their way this time....

Then as I get back to my apartment, I can see the sunset shifting again - and changing completely. I race to park my car, run to my apartment, throw my stuff on the couch, grab my actual camera, and DAMN!!! the batteries are dead!!! AAAHHH!!!! How did I let that happen???  So, back to my trusty phone, and out the door I go. Went to the end of my building to the dog park (yes, they let me in even though I only have a cat) and the view, once again, was spectacular. And it kept changing. I think I was out there about 15 minutes, and probably took about 100 photos BECAUSE IT KEPT CHANGING.

Got me to thinking about how quickly things can change. And that things are changing all around us all the time. And we go kicking and screaming and dragging our feet into the future. Why?? What occurred to me then is that life is nothing but a series of changes. So why do we make such a big fuss? Why do we expect things to stay the same and then get upset when they don't? Fascinating thought.

I also thought about how when I fall into pity party mode, it's because things aren't going the way I wanted or expected. Duh. Welcome to life. Some changes we have control over, and some we don't. Changes are going to happen.

I've chosen to make some big changes in my life. Basically took a sledge hammer to my comfort zone a couple years ago and stepped out into the unknown. I don't necessarily recommend that others do it the way I did, however I do recommend becoming more comfortable with change. Focus on the changes you do want to make, and see what can happen.  

I recently had a conversation with someone who is working through some issues, and I asked him "what would make you want to jump out of bed in the morning to start your day?" He said he didn't know. then I asked myself the same question, and was surprised by the answer that came. It wasn't "the perfect job" or "my purpose" or any of the things I used to think. Instead I got: What if I were excited just because I had another day to see and experience everything around me? We are here such a short time - what if I could just focus on having fun no matter what I was doing? Wow. That is not the answer I was expecting from myself.

Since that conversation, I have been doing my best to just enjoy my life and experience as much as I can. Am I always successful? Oh, hell no. But I'm doing it more and more, and I have to say, I do get out of bed faster, looking forward to my day a lot more often. 

The point of all this rambling? Who knows...I'm just enjoying writing it....

Here are some of my favorites from last night:

Have a great day, enjoy the changes, and be excited for another day whatever it may bring might just see a spectacular sunset!

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